Snohomish Acupuncture and Massage - About Us
Hi, I’m Polly
I am a licensed Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist. My primary focus is on Acupuncture and Wellness.
I graduated from Spectrum School of Massage in the year 2000. Spectrum is one of the oldest and high respected massage schools in Washington.
After graduating, I went to work in Hawaii. Many consider the Hawaiian Islands a natural healing location. I was fortunate to work with a vast number of healers which led me on a more spiritual path.
While in Hawaii, I opened a massage center, PT Massage, LLC and became a partner in a yoga business, Sun & Moon Yoga.
While earning my AA, I was introduced to Acupuncture through a friend and fellow yoga student, studying at Tai Hsuan, now known as World Medicine Institute. I began being treated by Dr. Gail Tadoki, a Master in five element theories. Once I was accepted into the Acupuncture program, I started receiving treatment from Dr. Chang Yi Xian, a 64th generation Heavenly Taoist Master from China.
The highlight of my education was assisting both Dr. Tadoki and Dr. Chang as they treated patients, developed herbal formulas and practiced Quong. I was one of the few students chosen to accompany Dr. Chang to China to visit several teaching hospitals and then onto Hong Kong to attend the International Taoist conference, the first in over 50 years.
Hi, I’m Rojan,
I am a Reiki Master, a Massage Therapist, and a Swedish Gymnastics Specialist. I incorporate a Tri-Balance approach towards my clients with Reiki, Massage and Swedish Gymnastics.
Swedish Gymnastics, sometimes called the “Swedish Movement Cure” is a health-oriented approach and recognized for inherent medical values.
Massage is one of the key foundations of well-being and can begin to help people integrate other areas of health into their daily systems.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” an dis based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. This pathway opened my hear to others in pain and with the need of healing.
I was first introduced to healing through Reiki. I became a Reiki Master in 1994. I extended my passion to help others by attending and graduating from Spectrum School of Massage in June of 2000.
Through my years of experience, I’ve learned how to better help people. I continue to utilize my talents on both the medical side of healing and the spa side of relaxation.
I just recently updated and renewed my training and license (License #MA00014196)age