Snohomish Acupuncture and Massage Price List
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for centuries. It is based on the theory that energy, called the “chi” or “qi” which flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that illness occurs when something blocks or unbalances your chi. Acupuncture is a way to unblock or influence chi and help it flow back into balance. Cupping is an alternative therapy that uses suction cups to stimulate your skin and muscles. The suction promotes increased blood circulation which may help relieve muscle tension, promote cell repair, and aid in other regeneration. It is also said to improve the flow of your “Qi” which means life force. It can be used on the body or the face. Facial Rejuvenation Facial rejuvenation is a virtually painless, non-surgical procedure that restores youthful beauty to your face. It also restores balance to the skin’s moisture and color by increasing blood circulation to the face which improves muscle tone. Twelve treatments will last 2-5 years.
The first treatment may feel similar to a regular facial. You will feel extremely relaxed, and you may feel a tightness of the skin during and immediately after the treatment.
After about 5-6 treatments, you may notice a softening of fine lines, a slight lift of the face, and increased moisture to the face.
After 10-12 treatments, your skin should look brighter, more toned and plumper. You may see leveling of deeper lines, softening of skin, and fading of age spots.
Results vary depending on age, skin type, lifestyle, and condition of your skin. Patients of more advanced age or skin condition may need up to 24 treatments for optimal results.
bone or stone. Used in traditional Chinese medicine, gua sha (gwah-shah) involves scraping a boomerang-shaped or rounded edge tool (usually made of jade stone or rose quartz) along the face and body to relieve muscle tension, boost circulation, and reduce inflammation. Jade RollerJade rolling involves rolling a jade gemstone over your face to help balance your ‘chi’ and draw out negative energies. It has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for centuries and was used on Royalty to help boost their spirits. Light TherapyLight Therapy works by emitting infrared lights (causing heat) in different wavelengths/spectrums, which have different skincare benefits,”. “Amber light stimulates collagen and elastin. Red light is most commonly used to promote circulation. White light penetrates the deepest and works to tighten and reduce inflammation. Blue light kills bacteria. “Massage Tri-Balance Massage includes elements from Classic Massage, Reiki, and Swedish Gymnastics.
Classic Massage involves directly massaging the skin and muscles in the affected area. Five different hand movements are used – stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping and vibrating.
During a Reiki session, hands are placed on or above the body to balance its flow of energy. Reiki can ease stress, anxiety, and the perception of pain.
Swedish Gymnastics is done by moving joints through the available range of motion. It is designed to stretch muscles and ligaments, loosen adhesion, lubricate joints and increase flexibility and increase range of motion.
Meditation Individualized mind and body session for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being.
Yoga Individualized session for breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.
New updated prices go into effect January 1, 2025.
Acupuncture or Massage
$125Single Visit – One Hour
Acupuncture or Massage
$180Single Visit- 1.5 Hours
Acupuncture or Massage
$180Single Visit- 1.5 Hours
Acupuncture or Massage
$345Prepaid Package – 3 Visits
Acupuncture or Massage
$550Prepaid Package – 5 Visits
Acupuncture or Massage
$1000Prepaid Package – 10 Visits
Facial Rejuvenation
$16090 Minute Treatment
Facial Rejuvenation Add-On Treatments
N/ACupping, Gua Sha, Jade Roller, Light Therapy
Facial Rejuvenation
$1,76090 Minute Treatment – 12 Sessions
Private Meditation Session
$95SIngle Visit
Private Meditation Package
$1,00012 Sessions
Private Yoga Session
$95Single Visit
Private Yoga Package
$1,00012 Sessions